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Ready, Set, Plan! 16 Tips for Newbies.

I am a wife, a mother, and a busy individual who loves her planner.

Over the years, I’ve discovered that the key to maintaining my sanity lies in effective planning. If you’re just starting your planner journey as a fellow wife and mom, or just a girly trying to get her life together I’m here to share my top 16 tips that have helped me stay organized and keep my life on track.

1. Start Simple:

Don’t dive into intricate planning systems right away. Begin with a basic planner that suits your style and needs. You don’t need all the things to start planning that will just overwhelm you from the beginning so let’s avoid that all together, yes the stickers are so beautiful and we will get into that later but for now let’s focus on functionality and get our system to work first before diving all the way into the planner chaos.

2. Choose a Layout that Works:

Whether it’s a daily, weekly, or monthly layout, opt for one that complements your routine and preferences. You may not be ready to plan out every single day step by step that is A okay try a weekly spread. Do some research on horizonal and vertical layouts to see which one works best for you. There are so many great options out there.

3.Set Realistic Goals:

Set achievable daily and weekly goals that align with your priorities. You may not be able to deep clean the whole house in one day and that is perfectly fine don’t overthink or overwhelm yourself.

4. Use Your Digital Resources:

Use a shared family calendar (google calendar is my fav) to keep everyone on the same page. Color code events for easy reference. Sync your digital calendar with your planner. It’s the best of both worlds!

5. Meal Planning Magic:

Plan meals for the week ahead to save time and reduce stress. Prepare ingredients in bulk whenever possible.

This strategy has completely changed my life, first and foremost I’m saving money because I’m not going to the store and just grabbing any and everything it a well thought out list where some recipes contain a lot of the same ingredients and it’s a total game changer.

6. Morning and Evening Routines:

Design simple routines to start and end your day smoothly. Include self-care activities for yourself too. I have a 4 year old, 2 year old, 1 year old and soon to be newborn so even though your routine may not always go as planned at least you have your expectations set and it can sort of guide you through the day.

7. Master the To-Do List:

Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Check them off as you go for a sense of accomplishment. The dreaded to-do list i cry real tears every-time something is added to my list no lie but this is where my block schedule comes into play I’ll talk more about this on a later post because it is the best.

8. Weekly Check-ins:

Set aside time each week to review your planner. Reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and adjust your plans accordingly. Everything you write out may not go as planned & that is okay our lives are crazy give yourself some grace and think about what can be done differently next week.

9. Use Sticky Notes:

Stickies are lifesavers for jotting down quick notes, reminders, or sudden bursts of inspiration and not to mention they are super cute & affordable.

10. Prioritize Self-Care:

Schedule regular “me time” to recharge. A happy and relaxed you benefits the entire family. I have had plenty of days where I’ve walked around all crazy just strictly from a lack of giving myself any love after tending to every one else’s needed for days or even weeks at a time.

11. Embrace Flexibility:

Life is unpredictable. Leave room in your planner for unexpected events and adjustments. Something i have had to learn over time is that you cannot control everything. No I didn’t slap you lol you have to relinquish a little bit of control come to terms with free time because that is okay also it’s another great reason for a block schedule.

12. Declutter Regularly:

A clutter-free space equals a clutter-free mind. Dedicate time to declutter your physical and digital spaces.

Does anyone remember the episode of limitless when the guy finally accesses 100% of his brain and the first thing he did was clean up his house? Yea, thats the key to it all love.

13. Batch Similar Tasks:

Group similar tasks together and tackle them in one go. This minimizes context switching and boosts efficiency. If you have to sit down at your desk make sure that while you are there you knock out all of your tasks that can be done while sitting so you don’t have to go back later. This is something I have to remind my ADHD brain on the daily.

14. Don’t Fear Blank Pages:

Life gets busy – some days may have fewer tasks. Embrace the white space, it is okay to have nothing planned this gives you room to go back and look at what was missed.

15. Celebrate Small Wins:

Don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Treat yourself—you deserve it! Every step forward, no matter how small should be counted as a victory. Never forget to take a moment and pat yourself on the back be proud of the progress you’ve made thus far, I’m proud of you girl.

16. Learn and Adapt:

Your planner journey is unique. Be open to learning what works best for you and adapt your methods accordingly. Everyone’s lifestyle isn’t the same so my day to day planner habits may not work for you and that is okay, we can still be friends but we want you to thrive girl so always tweak your routine and change it up to what works best for your household when necessary.

In the whirlwind of wifehood, motherhood, and daily responsibilities, a well-organized planner can be your anchor. Remember, it’s not about achieving perfection; it’s about finding a rhythm that brings you joy and helps you navigate life’s beautiful chaos. Honestly with these 16 tips, you will be well on your way to creating a beautiful balance between being a loving wife, a caring mother, and a wonderfully organized you. Happy planning!



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